• Microsoft 365 Experts. Ready for You.

    Whether you are a small business, a big company, a non-profit, a community group, or just someone with skin in the game, experts – and expertise – are just a click away.

Cogito Hive is a community of Microsoft 365 experts ready to deliver value-driven solutions for your organization using today’s best modern workplace tools, including Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and the Power Platform.  By pooling our years of expertise and sharing good solutions and best practices, you can be sure that your Microsoft 365 solution comes from industry experience with the track record for success.

Community Over “Company.”

Connected Independent Professionals with a like-minded cause.

Expertise you can trust.

Three experts. 40 years of combined experience. Proven results.

The right people with the right experience are essential to help tackle your modern workplace challenges. Cogito Hive allows you to tap into a community of experts with a diverse background in Microsoft 365 projects. Whether you’re looking to simply begin using SharePoint or Microsoft Teams, interested in using Power Platform to handle your business data, or looking for something purpose-built to match your company’s modern workplace presence, Cogito Hive connects you with trusted resources to help you see your vision through to full-scale solution.

Competitive organizations of all sizes want efficient delivery, first-rate expertise, bang-for-their-buck – and good talent when they need it.  Cogito Hive members are accessible to all organizations and suited to meet organization demands that require specific expertise. Cogito Hive offers you another way.

Accessible. Affordable.

Local Resources with worldwide delivery. Without the big-box price tag.


Relentlessly exploring; ready to share.

Microsoft 365 moves at a fast pace and is constantly evolving. We examine and discuss the platform and the modern workplace with our blog – Hive Mind. Check us out for the latest and greatest.

28 JanDear ShareGate: Thank you for making me a superfan

As enterprises have shifted focus from on-premise environments to the cloud Microsoft 365, SharePoint sites have followed the same trend. Migrations…

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